The Comeback-Kids: Imax shows how three species were saved from extinction
The Comeback-Kids
How three species were saved from extinction
The Comeback-Kids
How three species were saved from extinction
Over 1 million species are at risk of extinction. That’s why it’s such a relief to hear good news stories when it comes to conservation efforts. Back from the Brink: Saved from Extinction, an uplifting IMAX film, shares the remarkable stories of how conservationists saved three unique species from near extinction.
Through science and innovation, the film shows that it’s not too late to save many species. It also highlights the potential for conservation success when communities and scientists come together. Produced by Cosmic Picture in partnership with the Nature Conservancy, this film is filled with breathtaking aerial views of land and seascapes and up-close details of nature’s most fascinating ecosystems.

Comeback-Kid 1: Channel Island Fox
Conservation Status: Not threatened
Population: Approx. 4,000
The first story follows a small fox species, no larger than a house cat, who lives on the Channel Islands off the coast of California. Endangered for over 24 years, this species began disappearing after DDT (a now banned pesticide) caused a major decline in the Bald Eagle population. Golden Eagles then moved into the area and chose the Channel Island Fox as a food source. To bring the fox back from the brink, conservationists relocated the Golden Eagles and released Bald Eagles back on to the islands. What this story highlights is the remarkable connectivity between different species of wildlife and their ecosystems.
Comeback-Kid 2: The Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey
Conservation Status: Not threatened
Population: Approx. 6,600
The second story follows an elusive primate species who feasts on lichen in the mountain forests of central and Southwest China. Endangered for over 20 years, this species was brought back from brink after a scientist convinced local hunters to become protectors of the species. Other efforts involved establishing protected areas and providing a variety of renewable energy technologies to surrounding communities in order to decrease tree harvesting.

Comeback-Kid 3: Christmas Island Red Crab
Conservation Status: Not threatened
Population: Approx. 40 to 50 million
The final story follows the infamous Christmas Island red crab located in the Indian Ocean. After sneaky yellow crazy ants (yes, that’s their real name) were unintentionally introduced on the island, their population exploded. The crabs became prey to this invasive species when travelling along the forest floor en route to the ocean. After intensive studies were conducted, conservationists realized that the aggressive ants were thriving because of the honey-dew produced by another insect. While risky, they introduced 300 micro-wasps from Malaysia to help curb the production of dew. Now categorized as a protected species, the red crab is rebounding.