Podcast Episode 8
The environmental sector in Canada with Bob Peart
The environmental sector in Canada with Bob Peart
In this episode of What the f*** is biodiversity, Ann and Bob talk about the environmental sector in Canada. They also discuss some of the amazing conservation initiatives taking place across the country and how he stays hopeful in the face of so much doom and gloom.

About Bob Peart
Bob Peart is a biologist and educator living in Victoria. He has specialized in the fields of parks management, land use planning and environmental education for nearly 40 years with government, the non-profit sector and as a self-employed consultant. Previously Bob has worked for Sierra Club BC, Parks Canada, the Canadian Wildlife Service, the BC Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs, the BC Outdoor Recreation Council, the Royal BC Museum and the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society-BC Chapter; as well as working on the political side of government throughout the 1990s.
Bob has volunteered for numerous organizations related to these fields, such as the Child and Nature Alliance of Canada, and the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative. Bob is the former elected Chair of Nature Canada Board of Directors, as well as being involved with a number of community level NGO’s. In recognition of his work and volunteer contributions, Bob has been awarded the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal and the J.B. Harkin Conservation Medal.
About Bob Peart

Bob Peart is a biologist and educator living in Victoria. He has specialized in the fields of parks management, land use planning and environmental education for nearly 40 years with government, the non-profit sector and as a self-employed consultant. Previously Bob has worked for Sierra Club BC, Parks Canada, the Canadian Wildlife Service, the BC Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs, the BC Outdoor Recreation Council, the Royal BC Museum and the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society-BC Chapter; as well as working on the political side of government throughout the 1990s.
Bob has volunteered for numerous organizations related to these fields, such as the Child and Nature Alliance of Canada, and the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative. Bob is the former elected Chair of Nature Canada Board of Directors, as well as being involved with a number of community level NGO’s. In recognition of his work and volunteer contributions, Bob has been awarded the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal and the J.B. Harkin Conservation Medal.
Episode Notes
- Farewell, and not goodbye, by Bob Peart, Sierra Club BC
- Bob Peart: Putting nature first at the Nature Champions Summit, by Bob Peart, Nature Canada
- Flattening the curve of environmental degradation, by Bob Peart, Times Colonist
- Expert Q&A: Bob Peart, Biohabitats
- Land Needs Guardians
- How to Be an Ally of Indigenous-led Conservation, Land Needs Guardians
- Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs)
- Indigenous Leadership Initiative
- We Rise Together, Indigenous Circle of Experts: Achieving Pathway to Canada Target 1 through the creation of Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas in the spirit and practice of reconciliation, by the Indigenous Circle of Experts
- Why linking protected areas is crucial for wildlife movement, by Emily Jerome, National Environmental Treasure blog
- Establishing protected areas is key to safeguarding biodiversity, by Jeremy Guth, National Environmental Treasure blog
- Protected areas with Jeremy Guth, episode 2 of the National Environmental Treasure’s podcast, What the f*** is biodiversity
- As Climate Change Worsens, A Cascade of Tipping Points Looms, by Fred Pearce, Yale Environment 360
- Climate tipping points — too risky to bet against, Timothy M. Lenton, Johan Rockström, Owen Gaffney, Stefan Rahmstorf, Katherine Richardson, Will Steffen & Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Nature
- What are nature-based solutions?, Nature-Based Solutions Initiative, University of Oxford
- Natural Climate Solutions
- How nature can save us from climate breakdown
- Nature-based climate solutions summit
- Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution—And How It Can Renew America, by Thomas L. Friedman
- The Psychology of Global Warming: Improving the Fit between the Science and the Message, by Ben R. Newell and Andrew J. Pitman, American Meteorological Society
- Why is nature so important for humans: The Basics of Ecosystem Services, National Environmental Treasure blog
- Why is nature important for humans?, National Environmental Treasure video
- Language shapes our relationship with nature. David Suzuki Foundation
- ‘It’s a crisis, not a change’: the six Guardian language changes on climate matters, The Guardian