November 1998 to April 2000
The NET, in partnership with TerraChoice Environmental Services and the UNESCO Canada MABNet Ecoschools Program developed a project proposal for a coupon book that featured a range of environmentally preferable products and environmental services used by individual householders and small businesses. By linking individual consumer choices with climate change, it also served a critical educational purpose. Anticipated distribution was through elementary and secondary schools as part of the EcoSchools Program, post-secondary student unions, ENGOs, youth groups such as girl guides and boy scouts, community groups such as Rotary Clubs and the Knights of Columbus, and seniors’ groups, for example, the Legion and Elderhostel.
The project failed to attract funding for the printing and distribution of the books. From the focus group testing for product uptake, we learned that even committed environmentalists would not choose an environmentally friendly product over another, if it was not price neutral. Securing distribution through the school system also proved problematic, and without primary funding, the project was dropped.