Earth's soil is an incredibly biodiverse habitat for many species. It's also the foundation of our food web and a rich source for life.
Our goal is to raise awareness and increase literacy on biodiversity loss in Canada while emphasizing the need for immediate action. Our planet is currently facing a sixth mass extinction. Scientists have estimated that a number of species are at risk of disappearing 1,000 to 10,000 times their natural extinction rate with nearly 1 million species already threatened with extinction. If WE LIVE IN HARMONY WITH BIODIVERSITY and WORK WITH NATURE’S SYSTEMS, species will thrive, including humans.
Earth's soil is an incredibly biodiverse habitat for many species. It's also the foundation of our food web and a rich source for life.
Canada faces many challenges with conserving our biodiversity, but there are many evidence-based programs in place to help.
The holidays are a great time to celebrate the resilience of Canadian species and to learn about the biodiversity that is all around us.
Nature-full cities integrate ecosystems into their design and function. This fosters healthier relationships between humans and our environments.
We're intuitively drawn to nature and long for connection with other species. Learn how you can bond with biodiversity with these 5 tips.
Every year, hundreds of millions of salmon embark on a long and treacherous journey. Witnessing their resilience during the annual salmon run is a truly remarkable sight.
You may be afraid of snakes, but they play an important role in ecosystems. And you can help support these species in your own backyard.
Intended to tackle the twin crisis of biodiversity loss and climate change, it maps a network of land vital for nature and humanity.
Big, old trees act as giant reservoirs of carbon, water and nutrient cycling, even after they fall as dead wood.
In this episode of What the f*** is biodiversity, Ann, Anne and Mary talk about the beautiful and gentle Giraffe along with Anne’s amazing experiences researching their behaviour in the wild.
In this episode of What the f*** is biodiversity, Ann and Brittany discuss how to help people form a deeper connection to nature.
In this episode of What the f*** is biodiversity, Ann and Nina-Marie talk about the importance of biodiversity in cities.