Girl Guides of Canada helps instil love and respect for nature at a young age.
Our goal is to raise awareness and increase literacy on biodiversity loss in Canada while emphasizing the need for immediate action. Our planet is currently facing a sixth mass extinction. Scientists have estimated that a number of species are at risk of disappearing 1,000 to 10,000 times their natural extinction rate with nearly 1 million species already threatened with extinction. If WE LIVE IN HARMONY WITH BIODIVERSITY and WORK WITH NATURE’S SYSTEMS, species will thrive, including humans.
Girl Guides of Canada helps instil love and respect for nature at a young age.
A good life is all about the quality of our relationships, including the environment, as they impact our health and well-being.
Nature played muse to many of Beethoven's famous compositions. His visits to the countryside echoed his reverence and appreciation of the natural world.
A historic example of the impact of biodiversity loss on humans is the Great Famine in Ireland from 1845-1852
The National Environmental Treasure just launched a new national campaign promoting action on biodiversity loss in Canada.